Google Analytics Alternative Randy McDowell's Legal Advice-Not Your Ordinary 1L: Introducing...

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Call me a pipe-dreamer. 

Do it.

My name is Randy McDowell. I'm a first-year law student attending a Top Tier school, and I'm ready to change the world. 

If you call me a pipe-dreamer, rest assured that the pipes of which I dream are pipes of justice, freedom, and not the American way as it stands today, but the American way as it should be. 

My professors are brilliant, but they don't understand where the law is going in the future. 

They understand books. 

They understand the past. 

They get the system

But what they need, what everyone needs, what everyone is waiting for, is fresh blood and fresh ideas from a young man who has yet to have his edges sanded off by centuries of what scholars and attortneys think is the truth. 

That's why I'm here. That's why I'm Randy McDowell. 

My friends and colleagues thought I was joking when I told them I was planning to create a website offering legal advice from the perspective of a first-year law student. 

They said I wasn't qualified to dispense any advice. 

To them I say this, very simply: give me a shot. Send me a question. You won't regret it, and you may even learn something.

Caveat: My answers very often will indicate the law as I feel it should be perhaps more than what the law is today. I am not responsible for any actions you take upon the advice I deliver you. 

Let's hear it at,
Randy McDowell

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